Addictions 104 – Addiction Relapse
Addiction recovery has several stages. First is moving from active addiction/abuse/misuse to seeing the truth and seeking help.

Addictions 103 – 6 Steps towards Addiction Recovery
Addiction is fuelled with guilt and shame and to unburden oneself, is to provide a clear picture of what needs to be done –...

Imagine and Practice for Success
So you’ve done lots of exploration, but the rubber has to hit the road at some point if you are to move forward in your life. Even if you...

There is no magic bullet for mental well-being.
When people come for counselling they often wonder, “how long is this going to take?” And/or “Are you the one that can truly help me make...

Life is an Obstacle Course
There are times in life when things just don’t seem to work out. One thing after another gets in the way of what I planned or hoped to do. O

Adult Relationships
In my previous blog on attachment I explored the definition and importance of attachment for children. We used to believe that adults...